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How Our Thoughts Impact Physical and Mental Health, and Ultimately Parenting Part III in a series of
You may have heard the phrase “You are what you eat,” but a more accurate phrase might be, “You are what you think.” Though we don’t...
Keeping it Grounded on the go: Grounding Techniques for Anxiety
We all get nervous and or worry about something. Speaking in public, familial changes, tests, financial challenges--these can all cause...
Creating Connection
When was the last time you thought, “Where has the day gone?” or “Wow, its bedtime already?” or “I don’t have enough time to get it all...
Seeking peace in your home with kids out of school?
As a parent, you are constantly giving… your time, your attention, and your energy to your children. It’s perfectly normal to feel...
The Power of Positive Thinking
Happiness is my favorite feeling in the world! I don’t think I have ever met a person who does not want to live a happy life; however, I...
Validating your way to healthy relationships
Would you like to create an atmosphere of harmony within your relationships? How would it feel to confront problems with peace and...
Finding your Zen through Lines, Shapes and Repetition Self-care & Mindfulness
Setting aside 5 minutes in your day to only think about yourself and what your body, mind and heart need seems to be one of the most...
Do’s and Don’ts of telling your child or teenager that they have Asperger’s or Autism Spectrum Disor
Some parents find out that their child has autism or Asperger’s at a young age. When this happens, the word “autism” may become part of...
Helping your Anxious Child
How do I recognize if my child has anxiety? Childhood anxiety rates are at a record high. One in five children experiences intense...
Moving Forward After a Diagnosis
When your child is diagnosed with a learning disability, emotional disorder, or ADHD it can be a challenging time for your child and your...
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