In mid-March when COVID-19 hit, our lives changed overnight. Many were thankful for the family time that we were all gifted with, but now after months and months of together time we may be ready for some alone time. It is normal to get frustrated when being around the same people for so long. By now, some activities have returned to a (new) normal, but others still are not an option. Use this time to stay connected with your family in fun activities. Break up the mundane and have fun with your family!
Have breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast
Tag team with another adult (spouse, grandparent, aunt, or uncle) to give your children one-on-one time
Plan a movie night with snacks and a movie from your childhood
Do a project as a family
Go through old clothes and toys to find items to donate
Find a room and rearrange the furniture
Go camping in your back yard
Write and send cards to family members
Learn a new sport together
Play video games
Have an indoor picnic on the living room floor
Play a card or board game or make one up
Create a scrapbook from family photos
Explore a nearby park or hiking trail
Cook together
Build a fort
Make a scavenger hunt
Come up with a fun family relay race
What does your family like to do for fun?