Change is in the air! This is evident through the transitioning of the seasons and weather and also through the life alterations that have been introduced by the pandemic. Children should be encouraged to use their senses to not only recognize these changes, but to also understand that their environment is constantly evolving.
Change does not have to mean something scary or negative. Just by going outside and taking a walk with their caregiver or parent, children can notice and share with others what they are seeing, smelling, and hearing that is different from an earlier season. This engagement of their senses and movement of their bodies can work to calm their mood and connect them to nature.
Taking this acceptance of change further, the caregiver and child can work together to create a kaleidoscope. There are many sites online with a variety of instructions for making kid-friendly kaleidoscopes. The family can choose to make one with beads, seasonal foil snowflakes and unseasonal foil flowers, or even small items the family gathered on their walks outdoors.
Through creation of the kaleidoscope, children can experience excitement, perseverance, cooperation, mastery, flexibility (as making this craft project could involve frustration), and a finished project that illustrates the wonder of change. The kaleidoscope shows us that through one small turn, our view can alter. We can change our perspective to accept the change around us that we cannot control. Modeling and discussing with children acceptance of change can help ease anxiety and move children’s perspective to focusing on what they can strive for and achieve amid this change. Plus, creating kaleidoscopes with children is fun and rewarding!
Want to create a kaleidoscope but don’t know how? Check out this tutorial.